Microblog: The Orlando Massive Killings

This news is horrific. It is coined as the "worst mass killings" ever in American  history to date.

50 innocents were reportedly killed and others were wounded by just one culprit whom he proclaimed himself as a member of ISIS.

Here's my two cents' worth:

I don't wanna think it was an attack of hate nor of terror because it was too sad to be true. I can see no valid reason why it should have come to that point of slaying people in just a short span of time for personal hatred or whatsoever.

Unless, this evil doer had been proven mentally unstable or he did it on purpose & acted alone. Whichever way, what he did was inhumane killing that should not be tolerated  - many innocent lives were gone in just a snap.

Right justice should serve to those whose lives were taken off by just a tragic shootout.

The entire world is in mourning together with the families of those victims of the said tragedy in Orlando. Let's hope & pray that this kind of remorseless crime will never happen again.

#OrlandoShooting  #PrayForOrlando #OrlandoTerror ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ—ฝ


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